Jan 31, 2011

Around my House....

Welcome to my house and my DIY project!
This weekend I have been crazy busy with making art and a dreaded curtain project....
Many of you want me to explain how to make fish scale art so today I though I would show it to you along with pictures. I finished this canvas over the weekend and is now hanging in our kitchen :)

I bought black vinyl and then traced out circles with a glass, which are then cut. For this painting, I think I cut around 400 circles.

I used an old canvas which had failed art written all over it :)
Normally, I don't do this but because the canvas is so large, I traced a grid pattern, to make sure the lines would be straight.

Then I hot glued the circles in place.....all 400 hundred of them!

This is the final result with frame and lighting.
What do you think?


  1. oh jag ÄLSKAR dina sånna tavlor. Har försökt och funderat massor över dom för att göra någr egna. Men var får du tag på vinylet i olika färger?

  2. Wow. I love the fish scale pattern...and I love the texture of the art piece!

  3. Tina, I suspect that you and I might be the same person, so similar are our tastes. I love everything you love and I esp. love how you decorated your house! Your blog inspires me every single time I check it out!

  4. WOW! I bet you where busy ;) drawing, cutting and pasting 400 circles? That's crazy...but the outcome is amazing. Looks great! If only I had the time, I would totally venture to do one of my own. Thanks for sharing and congrats!

  5. Love this project. I have the perfect place for a piece like this. I'll share mine once it's found it's new home. I can camp out on your site for a while....love it.

  6. Beautiful, I've seen this floating around the blogs finaly I find the person who made it. I have it on my list to make soon. I'm your latest follower.

  7. This is fantastic! Oddly enough, I have some extra faux leather laying around and I thing I'm going to try this. I'll let you know when I've posted the final project.

  8. Beautiful! Great job! Thank you so much for sharing the process!

  9. please tell me the dimensions! for how big of a frame did u need the 400 pcs and how big are the circles?

  10. It's 80 x 120 cm and the circles are approximately 8 cm :)

  11. I like this, but it's not a painting. You meant sculpture? Painting is often 2d/rectangular, but it absolutely requires paint. Regardless, I do like it, especially lit, and the white is even better. - LD


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