1. Download slipper templates (2 slipper tops with branch outline, 1 left sole, 1 right sole, 1 branch), resizing as desired; print onto card stock, and cut out all templates.
2. Cut equal rectangles of heather-brown felt, salmon felt, and fusible webbing (leaving 1 side of paper backing on), each large enough to accommodate 2 slipper tops.
3. Stack brown felt and fusible webbing (paper side up).
4. Lay slipper-top templates side by side on stack. Using a pencil, trace templates, marking notches A and B as indicated on templates.
5. Place branch template on 1 traced slipper top, using marked points to position properly, and trace. Repeat on second traced slipper top, flipping branch template to trace a mirror image. Cut out branch designs, slicing through webbing and felt with a craft knife.
6. Carefully remove paper backing from fusible webbing; webbing should stay in line with cut edges of branches. Stack salmon-felt rectangle on webbing, and flip over (keep branch shapes in position). Iron, following webbing manufacturer's instructions, with brown side up. Lay slipper-top templates on fused felt, and align notches A and B with tips of branches and leaves. Trace with a disappearing-ink pen. Cut out slipper tops, cutting through notches.
7. Cut equal rectangles of heather-brown felt, salmon felt, and fusible webbing large enough to accommodate 2 soles. Stack layers, with webbing in middle. Iron, following manufacturer's instructions on webbing. Lay templates for both soles side by side on fused fabric; trace with disappearing-ink pen. Cut out soles.
8. With a sewing machine, sew closed the vertical seam at back of each slipper top with a zigzag stitch (do not overlap fabric; instead, align edges, and stitch).
9. Pin 1 sewn slipper top to 1 sole, brown side down. Starting at heel, sew around perimeter of slipper, leaving a 1/4-inch seam allowance. Repeat to finish second slipper.
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