Dec 11, 2010

DIY dog bowls!

Print pet's name on a piece of paper in desired font, adjusting size to fit bowl. Cut out each letter. Cut a piece of transfer paper slightly larger than each letter. Place transfer paper under first letter and tape both to bowl; repeat with remaining letters. Using a pen or stylus, firmly trace the outline of each letter.

Remove the letters and transfer paper; a faint design should be visible on the bowl. Pour paint into applicator bottle. Practice making dots by squeezing the bottle gently over scrap paper, then apply the paint to the dish following the traced design with evenly spaced dots. Use a straight pin to unclog the tip, as necessary. Wipe away mistakes with a baby wipe. Let the paint dry for two hours, then wipe away the transfer lines with a baby wipe. If the bowl has a rubber ring along its bottom, remove it. Bake the dish according to the manufacturer's instructions; let cool before reattaching rubber ring.

(via Martha Stewart)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bowls, which is in different colour. Ceramic dog bowls are very stylish as they are often decorated with fun designs such as a dog paw or a bone. Thanks....
